Birthdays, Anniversaries
& More for Android
Lots of birthdays to remember? No time to organize them? You need
Birthdays, Anniversaries & More - the fun and handy birthday
Here's how this clever little app will help you:
1. Open Birthdays on your Android phone and it will automatically
import contacts that have Birthdays or Anniversary info in their
2. You can add birthdays to the list just as easy as adding a contact.
Add an anniversary or other date to the contact data to have it show
up in the Anniversary and Other tabs in Birthdays!
3. Tap on a contact to view the age they are turning, astrological
sign, birthstone, and access full contact info.
4. To make sure you don't forget a birthday, reminder alerts are
added to the built-in calendar application.
5. Check off birthdays on your list once you have sent your gift
or greetings. Sample greeting cards are included to attach to your
emails, or attach a photo from your library.
You can buy this application from the Android Market, either on
the desktop web browser or on your mobile browser:
- For
Android OS 2.0 or higher:

Birthday List |

Anniversary List |

Other Custom Dates |

Contact Details |

Send Menu |

Attachment Options |

Greeting Card Sample |